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Sharing files from Scaura

One of the key features on Scaura is the ability to easily share files. Every share you make is tracked so you can see how many downloads and views your files had.

There are different ways you can share, and this article gives you an overview of all the possibilities so you can choose what works for you the best.

Change settings of your shares

Share by email

Share by generating a link

Share via external apps on your mobile device

Change the frequency of emails on share notification

Change settings of your shares

To change the default settings of your shares, follow these steps:

1. Open side panel on home page

2. Click Settings

3. Scroll down the page till section Sharing

4. You can change the default validity period and if the shared files can be downloaded here:

- Default validity period: open the dropdown and choose from 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months, 6 months,  and 1 year;

- Files can always be downloaded: tap the switch to turn it on or off.

To change the settings of particular shares, you can modify it in advanced settings. Please follow these steps:

1. Select one or more files to be shared.

2. Open the selection panel by clicking the icon on top right ()

3. Select to a sharing method (either by email or link)

4. Open the drop down of Advanced Settings, and modify the settings

Share by email

When you share by email, recipients will receive a customized email with a link to see the files you shared. This email contains your company logo, the recipient name or email address, and a signature containing your name and email. It is not possible to customize the signature at this point.

To share files by email, follow these steps:

  1. Select one or more files to be shared. There is no limitation in terms of extensions or filesizes that can be shared.
  2. Open the selection panel on the top right and click on the Email button.
  3. Add one or more email addresses (you can add up to 20 recipients). If you have any saved contacts, these will appear as suggestions that can be selected.
  4. Optional: add a message to be included in the email.
  5. Optional: choose custom settings for your shares, such as adding a pin code, a custom validity period or disabling download. 
    • The pin code will be sent along with the email.
  6. Click on Share.

Share by generating a link

This option allows you to generate a link that you can send via any platform of your choice.

To share one or more files via a link, follow these steps:

  1. Select one or more files to be shared. There is no limitation in terms of extensions or filesizes that can be shared.
    • If a pin code is filled in the Advanced settings, you need to inform recipients about the pin code by yourself.
  2. Open the selection panel on the top right and click on the Link button.
  3. Optional: associate your share to one contact so you can later identify views and downloads on your share.
  4. Optional: choose custom settings for your shares, such as adding a pin code, a custom validity period or disabling download.
  5. Click on Get link. A link will be generated, and automatically copied to your clipboard and you can directly paste it somewhere else.

Share via external apps on your mobile device

You can also share files via external apps installed on your phone. Examples are Whatsapp, Skype, Linkedin, Slack, etc.

To share files via external apps, follow these steps:

  1. On your phone, select one or more files to be shared.
  2. Open the selection panel by clicking on the selection icon on the top right.
  3. Click on the Share button and then click on the Share via... button. If the files you selected are not yet synced on your device, you will need to sync them before sharing.
  4. Choose an app from the pop up window.

Depending on the app you choose to share with, there may be some known or unknown limitations imposed by that app. Listed below are some of the known limitations:


iOS specific

Share by email

Change the frequency of emails on share notification

Users get an notification email every time when a recipient view or download a shared file. To change the default setting of the frequency of emails received, follow these steps:

1. Open side panel on home page

2. Click Settings

3. Scroll down the page till section Notifications

4. Open the drop down and choose from No notifications, Every time a share is viewed, and Daily summary.

Last update: 2023.01.31