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User management

As an admin, you can give other people access to your Scaura channels. In this article, we summarize how to invite users and manage their permissions to your Scaura channels.

User management guides

How to invite users

How to resend an invitation

Notify users: email users directly from the CMS

How to restrict user access to certain channels

How to disable sharing for users

How to delete users

How to invite users

  1. On the CMS, go to Users tab
  2. Click on Add users
  3. Click "Click to add users"
  4. Enter or paste user information. You can add multiple users at once.
  5. Click "Confirm"
  6. Define user role: 

7. Personal Folder: A personal folder is a space where users can add personal files that cannot be accessed by anyone else in the organization.  Please read this page for more information.

8. Sharing: By default, sharing feature is enabled for users. Tap the slider to disable sharing feature. If sharing feature is disabled for a user, then the user cannot download or share files from the app. 

Please note the app version needs to be at least 3.2.4-9 (released in November 2019) for this feature to work from the user end.

9. Single Sign-On (SSO): This feature is only for organizations with SSO integration in Scaura. If your organization does not have SSO enabled, do not use this feature. If SSO is enabled in your organization, you can either disable SSO or enable SSO for your users.

Please note the offline app version needs to be at least 3.3.7-17 (released in January 2021) for this feature to work from the user end.

10. Choose the method of password:

11. Agree to Scaura terms and click on Add user

*Note: It is not possible to change the email of a registered user. If an email is not available anymore, super admin can remove the user, and add a new user in the CMS.

How to resend an invitation

Did you invite someone to Scaura, but this person did not receive an invitation by email? First, make sure they check their spam folder. If the email was not received, you can resend an invitation to them. 

You can resend an invitation by following these steps on the CMS:

  1. Go to Users and select the person you invited.
  2. On the right panel, click Resend invite in Action.
  3. Click Send email

The invitation email is resent.

Do you have problems inviting users to Scaura? Contact us at

Notify users: email users directly from the CMS

On the Users page, admins are able to:

- Email registered users who never logged in to make sure they finish onboarding;

- Email users about content updates;

- Email customised messages to users.

Please follow the steps to use this feature:

1. Go to Users.

2. Click Notify Users from the right panel.

3. Choose a topic of the email.

4. Choose your recipients using dropdown of To.

5. Fill in the subject of your email.

6. Modify or fill in the body of your email.

7. If needed, send a test email to your email address by clicking Send test email.

8. Click Send email.

How to restrict access to certain channels

Restrict user access to certain channels in the app

By default, all users added by super admin are added to the default (Super Admin) user group, which has no access restrictions. All users added by admin are added to the default user group that owned by this admin, which, by default, they only have access to the channels owned by this admin. If you want to restrict access of some users to certain channels only, you can create unlimited user groups.

* Users can be assigned to multiple user groups.

Step 1: Create a user group

To create custom user groups, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Users and select the User groups tab on the top.
  2. Click Add group on the right panel.
  3. Name your group.
  4. Click OK.

By default, all the channels are hidden from users ("not allowed"). To modify channel access permission for a user group, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the row of the user group you want to modify
  2. On the right panel, all the channels are listed. Open the dropdown of the channel you want to modify, and choose from Allowed (grant users in this user group access to this channel)  or Not allowed.

Step 2: Add users to your user group

Once you created a custom user group, the next step is to associate users to this group, so that their permissions will be changed. There are two ways you can do this: on a group level, or on an individual level.

Bulk adding users to a group

If you want to add multiple users to a user group in one go, you can follow these steps:

  1. On the User groups tab, select the user group you want to add users to.
  2. On the right panel, click on Manage users.
  3. Select the users you want to be part of the user group and Save.

Change user group at individual level

In some cases, you might want to quickly change the permissions of a specific user. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. On the Users tab, select the user you want to change permissions.
  2. On the User group menu on the right, select the user group(s) you want to add this user to, and click Save.

Restrict admin access to certain channels in the CMS

It is mandatory to assign admin to at least one admin group when adding them. Follow below the steps to create an admin group.

  1. Go to Users and select the Admin groups tab on the top.
  2. Click Add group on the right panel.
  3. Choose a name to your group.
  4. (Optional) On the right panel, set the group properties for this admin group.
    • Admins can change this setting: if enabled, admin can change the setting of "user can send share" when adding users;
    • Users can send shares: if enabled, users are added with shares enabled by default;
    • Admins can change this setting: if enabled, admin can change the setting of "users get a personal folder" when adding users;
    • Users get a personal folder: if enabled, users are added with a personal folder by default. 
  5. Click Save.

By default, admins do not have access to any existing channels in the CMS. Super admins need to grant admins access to channels before they can start editing an existing channel. Follow below the steps to give channel permission to admin groups.

  1. Open the left side panel where you see all the existing channels;
  2. Click the wheel / settings icon of the channel which you want to give permission to admin groups;
  3. On the right panel of the settings page, there is a section called Details. Open the dropdown of "Give channel permission to admin group";
  4. Click on the admin group which you want to give channel permission to.

* No matter who added a user, admins are always able to see the full user pool in the CMS.

* By default, admins are able to see files uploaded from other admin groups in the Mediabank in the CMS. And this can be modified in the File permissions section in the Mediabank.

How to disable sharing for users

If sharing functionality is disabled for a user, this user won't be able to share or download any files from the app. By default, sharing is enabled for all the users, and can be disabled on a user per user level. Please see below the steps for disable sharing:


How to delete users

  1. On the CMS, go to Users page.
  2. Click on the column that shows the user you want to delete.
  3. Click on Delete user. 
  4. Click OK.
  5. The user is deleted.

Last update: 2021.09.13